Friday, December 3, 2010


I have discovered a love for ceramics. Each year our class made ornaments for their family Christmas tree. The last 2 years we made ceramic ornaments. There are 2 ways to do this activity. One you can buy clay roll it out and use cookie cutters of things like Christmas trees, stars, gingerbread men, candy canes, and angels. Let the clay dry and fire the clay in a kiln. Most schools have kilns or you can take your project over to Patty's Ceramics in Provo and she will fire your project for you. The other way to complete this is to go to Patty's Ceramics or another ceramic store and you will find little ornaments for around $1.00. Then the kids can paint or glaze the decorations. If you paint with acrylics you will not have to fire the ornament in a kiln. The glaze does require firing. I enjoy watching the kids paint because they use their own creativity. Sometimes the Christmas trees end up pink or the gingerbread men end up blue and that is great because it represents the child that painted the ornament. 

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